Roman forum

Learning about web accessibility can be hard and quite lonely. Fortunately, there are some great people working in the sector, who are more than happy to help out when you need it. Today, I’m sharing some of my favourite forums for developers wanting to find out more.


The WebAIM Email Discussion List has been going a long time (since 1999!) and it’s a great resource for developers looking for answers and anyone with knowledge to share. Subscribers are helpful and friendly, so there’s no reason not to take part.

Top tip: Have a look through the archives to get a flavour of the discussions.

Accessify Forum

The Accessify Forum is a great introductory forum for developers new to accessibility. Questions can get very advanced, but I find it very welcoming for beginners.

The Forum is also a great place to stay up-to-date with the latest web accessibility news and announcements.

Stack Overflow

Did you know Stack Overflow has its own accessibility tag?

This is great for asking (or answering) specific accessibility questions. There’s a wealth of information already, but if you’re stuck, this is a perfect place to ask for help.

LinkedIn Groups

I’m a member and contributor to many LinkedIn accessibility groups, but here are three of my favourites. These are good for sharing resources and asking for feedback from peers on new projects.


This has been by no means an exhaustive list of forums, but I hope it gives you a few new places to go looking for advice. Of course, if you’re really stuck, you can always email me…

Where do you go to get answers to your web accessibility questions? Share your tips in the comments below and I’ll keep this blog updated with the very best forums, groups and resources for developers.

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About Author

I'm Luke, I started Wuhcag in 2012 to help people like you get to grips with web accessibility. Check out my book, 'How to Meet the WCAG 2.0'.

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